
Reflections - Justin South
***Read as part of the free [b:Don't Read in the Closet: Volume One|12776843|Don't Read in the Closet Volume One|Jade Archer||17922598] anthology. Story #20***


Too much words for too little action. Description overload!

And who speaks like that? I mean...
"I'm glad the attractions of male admirer don't offend you."

"After all, to be stripped of all the tidbits of one's nefarious affairs and devious desires and to have the innate uniquness of one's body and mind laid bare on the first meeting, would tend to make subsequent liaisons less interesting, wouldn't you agree, mmmm?"
"Um, to the contrary, I think the romance of the affair, the love and cuddling and foreplay, and the intimacy and the sex would improve, on each occasion."

And these are just some scentenses on their first meeting.

With all the flowery descriptions and thoughts of Ben's longing for Tony, I really feared to be placed in the head of a dangerous stalker for a while.